Haywoods Permanent Way

a local society for people interested in all aspects of railway

Welcome to the Haywoods Permanent Way website

We hope you like the new redesigned format.

The Haywoods Permanent Way is a locally based society for people who are interested in all aspects of railways. We meet at regular intervals throughout the year at Great Haywood Sports and Social Club, Main Road, Great Haywood, and enjoy a variety of presentations by guest speakers. Many railway subjects and themes are covered including steam, modern traction, overseas topics and preservation issues. Our programme of events is available here.

We also have a model railway section who meet at St. Paul's Church Hall, Rugeley.

Membership fees are very reasonable and include admission to our regular monthly meetings together with a copy of our newsletter. We also arrange summer visits to railway venues and hold various social events. If you are interested in joining us, do come along to one of our meetings where you will be made very welcome or why not contact us for further information.